Stabling, Sun - Mon

Stabling, Sun - Mon

Stabling, Sun - Mon

Price: £70.00


Please note:  NOT available for competitors from Kent (excluding CT), Surrey, Sussex and London postcodes. 

Stabling can be booked for: 
•    Competitors travelling from postcodes outside the areas listed above
•    Competitors in the Heavy Horse and Coaching sections (postcode restriction does not apply and stabling costs are refunded after the show for horses forward)

Horses and ponies must be competing on the day after the night booked for stabling – ie, if entered in Monday classes, stabling will only be permitted for Sunday night. 

Horses and ponies may not stay overnight unless accommodated in the official show stables.

Competitors with stables must provide their own bedding, feed and associated equipment and must ensure the stable is cleared completely before they leave. Stables cannot be accessed until 6pm of the night booked and must be cleaned and vacated by 6pm on the following day. 
Those with stables booked must report to the Stable Manager upon arrival for allocation of stabling.

Stables MUST all be pre-booked. There is no opportunity to hire stables on the day. 
